Track your position with Nextcloud and PhoneTrack

1. Tracking tools

I like to track my position via my phone and sync the data with my self-hosted Nextcloud server.

I use the PhoneTrack app for Nextcloud and the PhoneTrack app for Android.

In addition, I use OsmAnd~ with the tracking plugin to track planned excursions.


2. Exporting the data

You can export a .gpx file with all your data from PhoneTrack. To do so, follow these instructions:


Now, you get a file with all your position data inside, which can be quite large.

3. Filtering the data by date

In order to filter the position data by date, you can use the tool gpsbabel.

I use this command to filter my input file test.gpx for the dates between 2020-10-10 and 2020-10-17:

gpsbabel -i gpx -f test.gpx -x track,start=20201010083000,stop=20201017153000 -o gpx -F filtered.gpx

4. Display the GPX file

On Android I use also OsmAnd for this task. On a desktop system I can recommend GPXSee. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac.

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5. Filter by location

If you want to know how much time you've spent in a specific region, feel free to try out my little script filter-gpx: