Hello, my name is Andreas Mausch, I am a software developer from Hamburg, Germany.
How I work.
I love to put a lot of time in automating recurring manual tasks to save even more time mid- to long-term. Let the machines do the boring work and focus on the exciting stuff. Continuous Delivery is a given. Builds are reproducible. Keep knowledge how to build and deploy in the repo, not in individual's brains. I dislike feature branches, I do like (short-living!) toggles though.
Whether I work on a native mobile app, a web app, an API or a desktop application: It must be tested automatically, and it must be tested from the outside. No more "Uh, not sure if we can change that, it might break something on the other end of the app". I like to develop Test-driven, and I like if tests are readable for non-techies. Bug analysis is stressful and time consuming and can be minimized by avoiding them.
Dig deep
Having a good understanding how things work under the hood often helps me. I am familiar with Assembly, different processor architectures, network protocols, etc. I've spent hundreds of hours in low-level analysis with OllyDbg and Wireshark. If a software doesn't behave as expected I want to know (and not guess) why. I'm a fan of pair programming to share knowledge inside the team and improve quality.
I try to find the best fitting technology for a given problem. While my professional background is mostly Java, I have developed different projects with all kind of technologies out there: Kotlin, Groovy, Node, Python, just to name a few. I am amazed how software development has changed over the last two decades and I don't want to miss chances to improve. Also, I am a big fan of Open Source.